I am Alexander Alexanov, naval architect and marine software designer.
I am author and developer of Shaper Maker.
Many years I use Shape Maker for hull lines fairing. Some secrets of hull fairing technology I would like to present on the web site.
I began to become interested in the mathematical description of the surface of the hull from a student's bench. In parallel with my studies at the shipbuilding faculty of the Gorky Polytechnic Institute, I studied programming and defended my diploma on “Interactive graphic system for generating the hull surface”, which I developed and implemented as part of the Pirs design system. Later I took part in the development of the Apirs - SeaSolution - Shape Maker line of software products, being one of the authors and the chief designer of these software products.
The development of these products was started in the early 90x, and at that time, Apirs would be the first program to describe the surface of the ship based on B-spline curves and surfaces.
In parallel with the development of software products, I participated in modeling the hull surfaces of real ships. Over the past 20 years, several hundred ship hulls have been smoothed to the state of workshop documentation commissioned by leading world design companies, such as: Rolls-Royce Marine, Marinteknikk, Skipsteknisk, Wartsila, Vik-Sandvik, FKAB, Multi-Maritime, Salt Ship Design. This workshop documentation was successfully used for the construction of ships by shipyards in Norway, Spain, Germany, Finland, Denmark, Holland and many other countries. The quality of surface smoothing has been repeatedly noted by specialists of various shipyards. I participated in the development of the surfaces of several vessels that received the vessel of the year prize in Norway. For example, the Skipsteknisk project of the GO Sars research and development fishing vessel was subject to special low-noise requirements when flowing around the surface of the bow.