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If you visit this page, you probably looking for something different from hull modeling software you use now. Well, Shape Maker you can use for production lines fairing of big and small ships, and even boats. It is also perfectly fitted for initial design and lot of changes during design process. There is no limitation for hull surface types and shapes. With Shape Maker you can simply export hull surface to any CAD/CAM/CAE systems for hull production like AVEVA, FORAN, CADMATIC, SHIPCONSTRUCTOR. To all these systems you can transfer your surface "as is" without any additional changes in future during production process.  


Where to find Shape Maker


It is a pretty simple to start. Free trial copy you can get only from link to official distributor - MSI web site. You just need to be a little bit patient if you will not get answer immediately. Usually it will take few hours before you will get your installation copy. To speed up this process try to fill all required fields correctly.




Installation of the program is quite simple and does not require any special skills. Just run the installation file and follow the instructions. There are no special requirements for installing the program. The installation files and the program itself take up very little disk space. The only condition for running the program is that the computer has a graphics card that supports OpenGL. Virtually any computer currently supports OpenGL graphics. Almost any computer with a processor of any performance will take less than a minute to install. As a result of installation of the program on the system disk in the directory "Program Files (86)" The catalogue "Marine Software Integration" and subdirectory "Shapemaker2" will be created. All files related to the program will be in this subdirectory.

The standard file of the program project has the extension "SHM". From this moment all files with extension "SHM" will be opened by the program. After installation of the program all files with extension "SHM" will have a characteristic icon .


A license must be connected to start the program. You personal trial license you will find together with installation package from MSI. When you run your software copy first time you will need to fill information about your license. 

The best way to learn Shape Maker

I recommended to start learning of Shape Maker from training manual. Read it from beginning and start to do the same things as it is described in chapter "First project". It will give you full overview how this software works. "Shape Maker training manual" book you will find in software installation folder or you can download it from this page. Here you also can download "Shape maker user manual", but this one is not avoid typical problem of all software manuals - it is little bit behind of the development. Some new features is not described yet,  but in general it is quite detailed. Then of course you can ask me for help. 

Shape Make training manual title page
Shape Maker user manual tilte page

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