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Here is collection of some Shape Maker hull lines models. You can download most suitable for you and transform it.  Just klick on image to download ZIP file.

Fast speed boat.

It is an example how such hull shape can be build. Model can be scaled and transformed by different transform functions in Shape Maker. 

Fast boat hull
Fast speed boat

Sail yacht hull.

This is most simple shape for modeling, but can be a good example to start learning Shape Maker.

Classic yacht
Sail yacht hull

Fast speed boat with more simple shape.

It is more of less same as first one, but without horizontal redans.

Hard chain yacht hull
Fast speed boat with more simple shape

Container ship model.

It can be a good example of how to build models with definition of slat side and flat bottom as separate surfaces.

Container ship hull example
Container ship model

Double ended ferry model.

It is little bit strange project for me. Both end of ferry presented in model, but in general most simple way is to make one end only. The coordinate system is in mid ship.

Hard chain shaped double ended ferry example
Double ended ferry model

Fishing boat model.

Main surface in fore ship made as one  patch without definition of flat bottom. Sometimes, when real flat bottom area very small it is OK. Aft skeg very simple. Knuckle line between skeg and main aft surface  connected to midship by point on line.

Small fishing boat hull example
Fishing boat model

Simplified hull shape fishing boat model.

It is more or less same model as previous one, but with more simple hull shape for production.

Sharp bilge fishing boat example
Simplified hull shape fishing boat model

Fishing vessel model with more classic shape.

One of the most classic lines for fishing vessels presented in this model.

Classic fishing vessel hull
Fishing vessel model with more classic shape

Live fish carrier model.

It is another example of aft ship spliting for patches of surfaces.

Life fish carrier hull
Live fish carrier model

Patrol boat model.

It is not a big difference form fast speed boats above, just little bit different shape.

patrol boat hull shape
Patrol boat model

Pilot boat model.

One more example of surface patches splitting with tunnel shape in aftship. 

Pilot boat hull shape
Pilot boat model

Hull with anchor pocket and side trusters.

Example of modeling side trusters and anchor pocket.

Hull shape example with anchor pocket model.
Hull with anchor pocket and side trusters

River going barge.

That was just a student's project.

River barge shape example
River going barge

Classic yacht.

Restoration of 100 yeas old yacht.

Old style classic yacht shape
Classic yacht


Catamaran model example with bridge surface and top cover.

Catamaran hull shape example


Catamaran model example with bridge surface and symmetrical hull shape build with mirror driver.

Catamaran with bulbous bow and bottom tunnel example.
Developable surface model.

Developable surface model.

Boat model based only on  developable surfaces. Modification of this surface you can do bay moving vertexes of cones, change geometry of bilge line, transom and deck.

Developable surface model for plywood boat.
Container ship

One more container ship model.

Small container ship model. It can be easy adjust and transform.

Small container ship model example.

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