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It's not so easy to make video from CAD system screen. Some small details may be not possible to see on small  screen. I recommend to watch it in full screen mode.   

Shape Maker user interface.

Contain short video description of main interface issues. Show most important toolbars and fields standard locations. But during your works you can find yourself and save best place for most usable tools in Shape maker.

Shape Maker user interface.

Shape Maker manual surface definition.

This video show all different ways of manual surface patches definition. Additionally you can see how to fix topological links between lines to make surface patch.

Shape Maker manual surface definition.

Shape Maker trimming surface.

This video show how to trim surfaces. Only surface boundaries, lines on surface or surface - surface intersection lines can be used for trimming. Lines forming trimming contour must have topological connection to each other and belongs to same surface. Intersection of trimming contours is not allowed.

Shape Maker trimming surface.

Boundary lines properties.

This video briefly show how we can form surface's boundary lines by control polygon points modification.

Boundary lines properties.

End Points changes example.

This video show how boundary lines and connected surfaces react for changes of position of end point. Different modification can be used to approach required shape changes.

End Points changes example.

Curve shaping example.

This video show how to manipulate with control points to change shape ot the boundary curves. All elements like points, lines, and surface will be updated after finsiing of current edit session.

Curve shaping example.

Basic information about topological elements.

This video show basic topological elements in Shape Maker and general ideas how to use it.

Basic information about topological elements.

Prototype hull shape adjustment to new design. 

If you use Shape Maker at initial stage of design, you can do such transformations very often. It helps you to utilize your previous knowledge and user it fro design in your future projects. Using hull shape transformations in Shape Maker can save a lot of time at initial stages of project.

Prototype hull shape adjustment to new design.

Frames curvature fairing example. 

Smooth frames is very important for hull fairing process. In Shape Maker when you choose surface patch for editing, together with frames sections you can see curvature for each of them. You can see immediately how change frames shape and curvature, when you move surface control point. Frames curvature is very sensitive. It is enough to change control point position for few millimeters to make big changes of curvature porcupine. That why better to  use scale cursor movement. It give a possibility make nice curvature and, be as close as possible to original surface.  

Frames curvature fairing example.

Modeling the thruster tunnel example. 

Modeling the thruster tunnel is a common task encountered in modeling the hull surface of a ship. This video shows how to do this in Shape Maker. It is important to note that the model of the thruster tunnel is completely parametric and naturally changes shape not only when the pipe diameters change, but also when the body surface shape changes. A similar model can also be copied from project to project, while preserving the parameterization and topology. 

Modeling the thruster tunnel example.
Creating new hull from prototype.

Creating new hull from prototype. 

Very often, at the initial stages of design, it becomes necessary to combine the fore and aft ship of the prototype vessels to quickly create a new hull. This video shows how to do it in Shape Maker. The resulting model retains the entire topology and parameterization of prototypes and can be used for further modification at later stages of vessel design.

Making yacht hull shape from scratch. 

Classic sail yacht hull shape modeling tested by many different software for hull lines fairing. Here is Shape Maker version.

Making yacht hull shape from scratch.

Flexible model for developable surface hull.

Developable surfaces very common used in boat building. Especially when plywood or composite material used for shell. Here is some simple example of flexible boat model.    

Developable surfaces.

Initial information preparation.

The video show how to import views from General Arrangement drawing as initial information for hull shape modeling.

Initial information preparation.

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